The Inner Child Companion

Our beliefs about our life in childhood get imprinted in our psyche and in our body memory. This is why universally, the inner child is recognized as being so powerful. It is also important to recognize that the inner child is not the only voice in the chorus of our internal guidance system. That will become very apparent as I begin to share over the coming months about the other 10 Companions as outlined in my book and coaching system TOTEM Companions, Mastering the 12 archetypes and the Five Elements Within You, click here to purchase your copy on Amazon today.

The energy center that aligns with the Inner Child Companion is the root chakra and the vital energy called the Jing which is stored in the Kidney meridian. Both are associated with the human development stages present in utero to age 7. Because this human stage includes a time when we were nonverbal often communication between inner child and the you in present time comes through messages and feelings in the body.

The physical processes most closely associated are genetics and procreation (included in this is your own birth, bonding with others, a sense of safety, your genetics, sexuality, your own fertility and feelings about procreation), all endocrine organs, the related tissues and regions are bones, teeth, all joints of the lower body and the region of the low back. What this means to you is that when issues, memories or feelings related to your inner child are active they may communicate to you through your health in these areas. To begin connecting to your inner child I invite you to utilize my inner child companion meditation on the website.

 I will be sharing more Companion information from my healing system through these posts, on my blog and specifically with you if you would like a companion coaching session.

Stephanie McGuirk